Publications SHM


Memorias del VI encuentro interuniversitario sobre tortugas marinas


Proceedings of North American tortoise conference


Inventarios Herpetofaunísticos de México


Ecología y Conservación de Anfibios y Reptiles de México

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The publication has a cost of $200 pesos for members of the Society. , and $250 for the general public; plus shipping costs by Mexican Postal Service (approximate cost $50 MXM for domestic shipments).For more information with Anny Peralta

Quitridiomicosis en México

Descarga el índicie

The publication has a cost of $200 pesos for members of the Society. , and $250 for the general public; plus shipping costs by Mexican Postal Service (approximate cost $50 MXM for domestic shipments).For more information with Anny Peralta